The Conscious Collective Blog

The Conscious Collective Blog

Fear is the Biggest Obstacle to Spiritual Awakening

Fear is the Biggest Obstacle to Spiritual Awakening

In this article, we discuss the nature of fear as an obstacle to the inner journey. ...more


June 27, 20246 min read

What Is Mindfulness? An Introduction to the Art of Presence

What Is Mindfulness? An Introduction to the Art of Presence

In our fast-paced world, the ancient practice of mindfulness has surged in popularity, becoming a cornerstone in the lives of many seeking tranquility and awareness amidst the chaos of modern life. ...more


April 24, 20244 min read

6-3-9 Meditation: Relaxing the Parasympathetic Nervous System

6-3-9 Meditation: Relaxing the Parasympathetic Nervous System

The 6-3-9 Meditation practice is a simple practice that utilizes the breath as a focal point for our attention. In this practice, we simply breathe in, hold our breath, and exhale, releasing the breat... ...more


March 08, 20242 min read

Mantra Meditation: Utilizing Sound & Vibration for Meditation

Mantra Meditation: Utilizing Sound & Vibration for Meditation

A mantra (from the Sanskrit words man, meaning mind, and tra meaning to save or rescue) is a sacred utterance, sound, syllable, word, or group of words used to still and focus the mind. ...more


March 08, 20242 min read

Mindful Eating: How to Eat With Awareness

Mindful Eating: How to Eat With Awareness

Eating is something many of us are fortunate enough to do each day, and therefore, eating offers us a wonderful opportunity for mindfulness practice. ...more


March 08, 20244 min read

Awareness of Breathing In & Out: A Meditation on Breath

Awareness of Breathing In & Out: A Meditation on Breath

Breathing is essential to most forms of meditation practice, as the breath is something that is always happening in the present moment. Wherever our mind wanders, we can bring it back to the body with... ...more


March 08, 20244 min read

Paradigms: Understanding What Lies at the Root of Our Perception

Paradigms: Understanding What Lies at the Root of Our Perception

A paradigm may be defined as “the basic way of perceiving, thinking, valuing, and behaving associated with a particular vision of reality.” Basically, a paradigm is the underlying worldview that shape... ...more


March 08, 20244 min read

What Is Deep Ecology? Looking Deeply into Our Oneness with Nature

What Is Deep Ecology? Looking Deeply into Our Oneness with Nature

The extinction of species is taking place every single day. Researchers estimate that every year over 20,000 species go extinct, and this rate is only accelerating. ...more


March 08, 202412 min read

Accepting What Arises: How to Process Your Emotions

Accepting What Arises: How to Process Your Emotions

As we quiet our minds still our bodies, and begin to listen and observe within, many things will present themselves to us. The superficial chatter of the mind clears, allowing for deeper, underlying e... ...more


March 08, 202411 min read

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