Many of us live as if we’re in a dream. We are not awake to the reality of life as it truly is, but instead spend the majority of our time consumed by the illusory reality of our thoughts—a reality of imaginations, fantasies, words, beliefs, concepts, ideas, opinions, judgements, and social conventions. When we aren’t present to life, it makes us feel vaguely but persistently dissatisfied. This sense of dissatisfaction, of a gap between us and everything else, is the essential problem of human life. It is the basic truth of our suffering—both individually and collectively. Individually, it causes suffering because it creates a sense of separation between us and life—which results in feelings of fear and isolation that lead to unnatural and destructive behaviors. Collectively, this manifests as violence between humans, harm toward other living beings, and destruction of our own environment. If we can awaken to the true reality of what is, we can realize our own fundamental being, and its inseparability from the being within all beings. This book is a guide to awakening from the dream of the mind and its projections, awakening to reality as it is in the present moment, and realizing the reality of our own presence by doing so.
So many people are searching for the answer—the answer to life, love, health, happiness, success, and freedom. People search for the answer to life’s questions in money, in relationships, in experiences, in places and material things. We have searched for it everywhere in the world outside of ourselves, completely unaware of the fact that real freedom, and real happiness, can never come to us from something else, but can only be found within the truth of our being. The answers you seek lie within YOU, the true you, and by awakening to your true nature, you can see clearly that your experience of the world is ultimately dependent upon the world within your consciousness.
This book investigates the subject of who we are at our deepest level, why we have forgotten who we are, and how remembering our true nature is the key to finding real freedom, happiness, and peace in our lives. Blending together the wisdom of ancient spiritual traditions as well as new discoveries in quantum physics and modern science, this book takes the reader on an inward journey to the very core of their being. The message in this book is clear: our pain, our misery, our suffering, arises from our ignorance of our true nature, and if only we are willing to see beyond the illusions of our culture, and wake up to the reality of who we really are, we can be free of this suffering, and live lives filled with peace, with love, and with happiness.
Many people go through life feeling lost, afraid, anxious, angry, depressed, and confused. They are confined by the prison of their negative thoughts, living out their lives unsure of who they are, what their purpose is, what it means to be alive, and how they can find happiness and live life peacefully. This feeling of separation from the world is a result of not understanding our true nature. We fail to realize who we are at our deepest level and, as a result, we experience a great deal of suffering.
Full of practical wisdom and intuitive insights, “Stillness” speaks directly to your heart and mind, providing you with valuable information to help you awaken to your true nature, and find peace in your life regardless of your circumstances. Each of us is capable of living a life of peace, joy, and bliss, and it starts with quieting our minds, bringing our awareness back into this moment, and connecting to the source of stillness within us.
This book is a collection of writings that were written by the author over several years while exploring the nature of life. While the exact content of each page varies, all of these writings have a common theme: coming home to the present moment, and allowing ourselves to experience the freedom of being our natural selves. The mind can often cause great disturbance and suffering, but if we can reconnect with the truth of who we are, the awareness beyond the mind, and the love within our hearts, then we can rest as this loving awareness and be at peace.
Most of us do not really know who we are. We’ve been told who we are—by our parents, our family, our teachers, our governments, and society—and we believe we really are the identity given to us by our culture. We believe in a certain story about ourselves, an idea of who we are, attached to a certain name, with certain likes and dislikes, certain interests and beliefs, with a certain role to play in society
This book is for those who genuinely want to know who they are at the deepest level, not as another belief to add to your self-image, but as an actual realization that you can directly experience. It is not intended to add to your knowledge or to help you learn more about yourself, it is intended to help you unlearn every idea you have about yourself so you can recognize the truth of who you are.
The prevailing worldview of our modern culture is that we are isolated individuals who exist apart from the rest of the world, and are living in an unintelligent and mechanical universe made of matter, governed by random and chaotic forces, and from this random and insentient universe of inert matter, through an accidental and improbable process of evolution, life emerged. This belief is widely accepted by the majority of people; it is taught in our schools, it is proclaimed by our scientists, it is assumed by our societies and governments.
This worldview is so widely accepted that the majority of people never stop to question their narrative, to ask themselves why they believe it, how it makes them feel, whether or not it is true, nor especially how this worldview is the cause of human conflict and the rapid destruction of the natural world. What appears to be a vast and complex worldwide situation of external conflict, has its roots in a simple and subtle internal cause: we do not really know who we are. We have confused our true identity with an illusory identity created by our minds. This book examines the cultural narratives that shape our sense of self, and investigates the true nature of the self, pointing out that our true identity is not the separate and isolated ego we believe ourselves to be, but an inseparable part of the infinite, intelligent, and interconnected whole—the essence of existence itself.
The planet is suffering. Ecosystems are being destroyed, forests are being cut down, oceans are being contaminated, the air is being polluted, animals are being tortured, people are being oppressed, mistreated, poisoned, and killed. So much suffering is happening on the planet right now, and it is all the result of humanity’s actions. We live with the notion that we are separate from one another, that we exist independently of the world around us, and that our individual actions do not impact the planet as a whole. This illusion of separation is the root cause of our suffering, and if we want to heal the planet, we have to heal our ignorant perception of life so that our actions will no longer reflect our ignorance, but will instead reflect an understanding and respect for one another and for the Earth that we inhabit.
This book discusses the causes of our ignorance and our destructive actions, and provides the knowledge needed to undo the conditioning that has been done to us, in order to recondition ourselves to live a lifestyle that is in harmony with the natural world. If we want to heal the state of the world, we have to evolve our way of thinking and interacting with the world. As long as we view the world as something that exists separately from us, we will continue to create our suffering. If we want to experience peace on Earth, we have to realize our oneness and awaken from the illusion of separation.
The world is currently in a stage of great transformation. We are beginning to realize that the old ways of competition and ‘survival of the fittest’ are not sustainable for individuals, businesses, or the planet. We are now on the verge of something amazing. We have been given the opportunity to evolve our thinking. Although, at the same time, the planet is in the worst condition it has ever been in. Our unconscious acts of violence and pollution are resulting in the destruction of the very planet that allows us to live. The biggest threat to our existence is our own ignorance and our own unwillingness to change. But it is not too late. We are aware of the destruction we have caused and are still causing to this planet, and we are still alive—meaning that we still have time to change.
In this book, we take an in-depth look at the ways in which humans are destroying the planet, the reasons why we are ignorant of the damage we cause, and the ways in which we can deprogram our unnatural and destructive habits and adapt to a more healthy and sustainable way of life. As we come to understand nature and ourselves, we will realize that world peace is only achievable through inner peace. If we want a peaceful world, we must all become peaceful people. We can no longer ignore the effects of our disconnected and self-centered ways, and time is running out before it will be too late to heal the damage that we have done to the Earth. Conscious Collective informs the reader about the current state of the world and draws awareness to the changes that we must make as a species. If we want a better world, each of us must take responsibility for helping to create it.
In this small book, readers learn the concept of being fully aware in the present moment, and the joy that this practice can bring to one's experience. This book also discusses the mind's resistance to understanding this concept and some of the roadblocks that one may experience on the path to applying it in their daily lives.
A quick read, this book delivers a powerful message, and if readers sincerely apply this message to their lives they are guaranteed to become completely transformed.
"This book will teach you about the core of who you are. It highlights the invisible forces that govern the experiences that occur in your daily life. You will begin to understand that peace is found in the present moment and the limiting factors that detour us from experiencing that are memories from our past and false images of the future. After reading this book you will understand that all you are is consciousness buried under layers of conditioning and cultural programming. Definitely buy this book if you want to get closer to who you are. Once you read it, your mind will expand to to a new way of viewing reality."
—Wesley [Awake to What Is]
"Joseph writes in a way that makes large concepts so easy to understand and apply to your life. I'm thankful for this book and plan on buying some as presents for friends on their spiritual journeys!"
—Cate V. [The Answer Is YOU]
"Very stimulating book of knowledge and wisdom. Awakening beyond the unconscious illusions of life is difficult but this book is a good guide to understanding how to utilize our willpower to do so. This book is well worded and easy to understand. The author has a gift of disecting complex concepts into comprehensible language. Gratitude."
—Sbray [Awake to What Is]
"I recommend this book to everyone who will listen! Looking within yourself and having the Courage to do so is the only way that we can see our truth and create a reality of our choice."
—Pattie M. [The Answer Is YOU]
"For anyone looking to gain some clarity in this crazy experience we call life, this book will provide you with some incredible insight. I have benefited greatly from Joseph’s work and couldn’t recommend this book or any of Joseph’s work more."
—Lukas B. [Awake to What Is]
"Seriously so inspiring!! This book talks directly to your higher self in ways that I didn't know were possible. Thank you Joseph for this amazing insight!"
—Logan V. [The Answer Is YOU]
"I have a book shelf full of books on spirituality, quantum physics, self love, meditation, motivation, manifesting, etc and this book seems to encompass it all. It's one that I will definitely reread as the years ago on. We all know deep down that we hold the answers we need in life. Sometimes it takes someone else reminding us of just that in a way that just clicks for us. Joseph's book is an excellent reminder. Highly recommend it."
—Dominique D. [The Answer Is YOU]
"This book opened my eyes to a whole new world, and made me realize that I was the cause of my own misery. Words cannot express how grateful I am for this book."
—Anonymous [Stillness]
"Very, very good book on Inner Peace and how it relates to our everyday life and interactions with others. A good read, a good sign post for other's to achieve inner stillness without all the mumbo-jumbo."
—Stan I. [Stillness]
"Things I've never consider before were brought to my attention. I hope he continues to write books and I look forward to reading them!"
—Baddbella [Conscious Collective]
"This book is essential for the modern day horrors that so many of us are unaware of. I have recommended it to every one of my friends and family, as it so clearly and chronologically says all of the things I've been trying to say for several years. This book is a warning and a wake up call. It certainly changed my life!"
—Shayla [Conscious Collective]
"I absolutely love this book and will be passing it to everyone. It's a must read. Get it everyone. You won't regret it. This book will have you talking to ur self while u read it lol. Amazing. Big eye opening to the world. I look forward to everybody you put out there. This is hands down my favorite book I have ever read. Love it."
—Anonymous [Conscious Collective]
"I LOVED this book... I learned a lot a and my mind was opened up to many different ideas and thoughts !!! Excellent !!!"
—Sharon H. [Conscious Collective]
"I loved this book so much I read it one day! This is exactly what the world needs, a book that describes our current era with exceptional precision. The author's insights are truly remarkable and he speaks with a wisdom well beyond this generation. Thank you Joseph P. Kauffman for your work and your wonderful message, truly appreciated by many."
—Anonymous [Conscious Collective]
"I have a good amount of experience with meditation and reading books of this nature. I must say this one is a must have. It is concise, simple and easy to follow. While some may argue it is repetitive I believe this to be on purpose so the main messages may sink into our subconscious mind. I think it's better than the power of now (which is also a great book in-itself)"
—Brian [Stillness]
"Souls searching, here is your answer, I could not put this book down and it has changed my life and awakened me to a whole new reality. You will not be disappointed with this book or the others by this Author"
—Leliu [Stillness]
"This book really opened my eyes to a new way of life. I am finally at peace with who I am and there is no greater feeling that can compare to that. I recommend this book to anyone looking to find peace in their life!"
—Kamo Rie [Stillness]
"The book delivers a tremendous impact on your whole spiritual being. It's one of those books that shift your consciousness to an even higher level of paradigm since each line is so full of wisdom!"
—Henry C. [Stillness]
"Fantastic presentations with many subjects highly developed through clear exposition. I recommend it for people who want to learn more soul and thought topics and their influence on our lives. Great!!"
—Antonio M. [Oneness]
"The book covers an array of topics to help you on a personal level. It is a simple 60 page book, very easy to read, with basic vocab and easy to understand. I highly recommend this to anyone out there searching for themselves, what they believe in, and getting a better grasp of what is going on. This is on my yearly book read, and is a refresher for when you feel down, un-happy, and un -motivated. The concepts are deep, and simple to understand."
—Hailey [Oneness]
"The third book I've read from Joseph. Great writer, I would read another..." —Anonymous
[Just Be]
Many of us live as if we’re in a dream. We are not awake to the reality of life as it truly is, but instead spend the majority of our time consumed by the illusory reality of our thoughts—a reality of imaginations, fantasies, words, beliefs, concepts, ideas, opinions, judgements, and social conventions. When we aren’t present to life, it makes us feel vaguely but persistently dissatisfied. This sense of dissatisfaction, of a gap between us and everything else, is the essential problem of human life. It is the basic truth of our suffering—both individually and collectively. Individually, it causes suffering because it creates a sense of separation between us and life—which results in feelings of fear and isolation that lead to unnatural and destructive behaviors. Collectively, this manifests as violence between humans, harm toward other living beings, and destruction of our own environment. If we can awaken to the true reality of what is, we can realize our own fundamental being, and its inseparability from the being within all beings. This book is a guide to awakening from the dream of the mind and its projections, awakening to reality as it is in the present moment, and realizing the reality of our own presence by doing so.
So many people are searching for the answer—the answer to life, love, health, happiness, success, and freedom. People search for the answer to life’s questions in money, in relationships, in experiences, in places and material things. We have searched for it everywhere in the world outside of ourselves, completely unaware of the fact that real freedom, and real happiness, can never come to us from something else, but can only be found within the truth of our being. The answers you seek lie within YOU, the true you, and by awakening to your true nature, you can see clearly that your experience of the world is ultimately dependent upon the world within your consciousness.
This book investigates the subject of who we are at our deepest level, why we have forgotten who we are, and how remembering our true nature is the key to finding real freedom, happiness, and peace in our lives. Blending together the wisdom of ancient spiritual traditions as well as new discoveries in quantum physics and modern science, this book takes the reader on an inward journey to the very core of their being. The message in this book is clear: our pain, our misery, our suffering, arises from our ignorance of our true nature, and if only we are willing to see beyond the illusions of our culture, and wake up to the reality of who we really are, we can be free of this suffering, and live lives filled with peace, with love, and with happiness.
Many people go through life feeling lost, afraid, anxious, angry, depressed, and confused. They are confined by the prison of their negative thoughts, living out their lives unsure of who they are, what their purpose is, what it means to be alive, and how they can find happiness and live life peacefully. This feeling of separation from the world is a result of not understanding our true nature. We fail to realize who we are at our deepest level and, as a result, we experience a great deal of suffering.
Full of practical wisdom and intuitive insights, “Stillness” speaks directly to your heart and mind, providing you with valuable information to help you awaken to your true nature, and find peace in your life regardless of your circumstances. Each of us is capable of living a life of peace, joy, and bliss, and it starts with quieting our minds, bringing our awareness back into this moment, and connecting to the source of stillness within us.
This book is a collection of writings that were written by the author over several years while exploring the nature of life. While the exact content of each page varies, all of these writings have a common theme: coming home to the present moment, and allowing ourselves to experience the freedom of being our natural selves. The mind can often cause great disturbance and suffering, but if we can reconnect with the truth of who we are, the awareness beyond the mind, and the love within our hearts, then we can rest as this loving awareness and be at peace.
Most of us do not really know who we are. We’ve been told who we are—by our parents, our family, our teachers, our governments, and society—and we believe we really are the identity given to us by our culture. We believe in a certain story about ourselves, an idea of who we are, attached to a certain name, with certain likes and dislikes, certain interests and beliefs, with a certain role to play in society
This book is for those who genuinely want to know who they are at the deepest level, not as another belief to add to your self-image, but as an actual realization that you can directly experience. It is not intended to add to your knowledge or to help you learn more about yourself, it is intended to help you unlearn every idea you have about yourself so you can recognize the truth of who you are.
The prevailing worldview of our modern culture is that we are isolated individuals who exist apart from the rest of the world, and are living in an unintelligent and mechanical universe made of matter, governed by random and chaotic forces, and from this random and insentient universe of inert matter, through an accidental and improbable process of evolution, life emerged. This belief is widely accepted by the majority of people; it is taught in our schools, it is proclaimed by our scientists, it is assumed by our societies and governments.
This worldview is so widely accepted that the majority of people never stop to question their narrative, to ask themselves why they believe it, how it makes them feel, whether or not it is true, nor especially how this worldview is the cause of human conflict and the rapid destruction of the natural world. What appears to be a vast and complex worldwide situation of external conflict, has its roots in a simple and subtle internal cause: we do not really know who we are. We have confused our true identity with an illusory identity created by our minds. This book examines the cultural narratives that shape our sense of self, and investigates the true nature of the self, pointing out that our true identity is not the separate and isolated ego we believe ourselves to be, but an inseparable part of the infinite, intelligent, and interconnected whole—the essence of existence itself.
The planet is suffering. Ecosystems are being destroyed, forests are being cut down, oceans are being contaminated, the air is being polluted, animals are being tortured, people are being oppressed, mistreated, poisoned, and killed. So much suffering is happening on the planet right now, and it is all the result of humanity’s actions. We live with the notion that we are separate from one another, that we exist independently of the world around us, and that our individual actions do not impact the planet as a whole. This illusion of separation is the root cause of our suffering, and if we want to heal the planet, we have to heal our ignorant perception of life so that our actions will no longer reflect our ignorance, but will instead reflect an understanding and respect for one another and for the Earth that we inhabit.
This book discusses the causes of our ignorance and our destructive actions, and provides the knowledge needed to undo the conditioning that has been done to us, in order to recondition ourselves to live a lifestyle that is in harmony with the natural world. If we want to heal the state of the world, we have to evolve our way of thinking and interacting with the world. As long as we view the world as something that exists separately from us, we will continue to create our suffering. If we want to experience peace on Earth, we have to realize our oneness and awaken from the illusion of separation.
The world is currently in a stage of great transformation. We are beginning to realize that the old ways of competition and ‘survival of the fittest’ are not sustainable for individuals, businesses, or the planet. We are now on the verge of something amazing. We have been given the opportunity to evolve our thinking. Although, at the same time, the planet is in the worst condition it has ever been in. Our unconscious acts of violence and pollution are resulting in the destruction of the very planet that allows us to live. The biggest threat to our existence is our own ignorance and our own unwillingness to change. But it is not too late. We are aware of the destruction we have caused and are still causing to this planet, and we are still alive—meaning that we still have time to change.
In this book, we take an in-depth look at the ways in which humans are destroying the planet, the reasons why we are ignorant of the damage we cause, and the ways in which we can deprogram our unnatural and destructive habits and adapt to a more healthy and sustainable way of life. As we come to understand nature and ourselves, we will realize that world peace is only achievable through inner peace. If we want a peaceful world, we must all become peaceful people. We can no longer ignore the effects of our disconnected and self-centered ways, and time is running out before it will be too late to heal the damage that we have done to the Earth. Conscious Collective informs the reader about the current state of the world and draws awareness to the changes that we must make as a species. If we want a better world, each of us must take responsibility for helping to create it.
In this small book, readers learn the concept of being fully aware in the present moment, and the joy that this practice can bring to one's experience. This book also discusses the mind's resistance to understanding this concept and some of the roadblocks that one may experience on the path to applying it in their daily lives.
A quick read, this book delivers a powerful message, and if readers sincerely apply this message to their lives they are guaranteed to become completely transformed.
"This book will teach you about the core of who you are. It highlights the invisible forces that govern the experiences that occur in your daily life. You will begin to understand that peace is found in the present moment and the limiting factors that detour us from experiencing that are memories from our past and false images of the future. After reading this book you will understand that all you are is consciousness buried under layers of conditioning and cultural programming. Definitely buy this book if you want to get closer to who you are. Once you read it, your mind will expand to to a new way of viewing reality."
—Wesley [Awake to What Is]
"Joseph writes in a way that makes large concepts so easy to understand and apply to your life. I'm thankful for this book and plan on buying some as presents for friends on their spiritual journeys!"
—Cate V. [The Answer Is YOU]
"Very stimulating book of knowledge and wisdom. Awakening beyond the unconscious illusions of life is difficult but this book is a good guide to understanding how to utilize our willpower to do so. This book is well worded and easy to understand. The author has a gift of disecting complex concepts into comprehensible language. Gratitude."
—Sbray [Awake to What Is]
"I recommend this book to everyone who will listen! Looking within yourself and having the Courage to do so is the only way that we can see our truth and create a reality of our choice."
—Pattie M. [The Answer Is YOU]
"For anyone looking to gain some clarity in this crazy experience we call life, this book will provide you with some incredible insight. I have benefited greatly from Joseph’s work and couldn’t recommend this book or any of Joseph’s work more."
—Lukas B. [Awake to What Is]
"Seriously so inspiring!! This book talks directly to your higher self in ways that I didn't know were possible. Thank you Joseph for this amazing insight!"
—Logan V. [The Answer Is YOU]
"I have a book shelf full of books on spirituality, quantum physics, self love, meditation, motivation, manifesting, etc and this book seems to encompass it all. It's one that I will definitely reread as the years ago on. We all know deep down that we hold the answers we need in life. Sometimes it takes someone else reminding us of just that in a way that just clicks for us. Joseph's book is an excellent reminder. Highly recommend it."
—Dominique D. [The Answer Is YOU]
"This book opened my eyes to a whole new world, and made me realize that I was the cause of my own misery. Words cannot express how grateful I am for this book."
—Anonymous [Stillness]
"Very, very good book on Inner Peace and how it relates to our everyday life and interactions with others. A good read, a good sign post for other's to achieve inner stillness without all the mumbo-jumbo."
—Stan I. [Stillness]
"Things I've never consider before were brought to my attention. I hope he continues to write books and I look forward to reading them!"
—Baddbella [Conscious Collective]
"This book is essential for the modern day horrors that so many of us are unaware of. I have recommended it to every one of my friends and family, as it so clearly and chronologically says all of the things I've been trying to say for several years. This book is a warning and a wake up call. It certainly changed my life!"
—Shayla [Conscious Collective]
"I absolutely love this book and will be passing it to everyone. It's a must read. Get it everyone. You won't regret it. This book will have you talking to ur self while u read it lol. Amazing. Big eye opening to the world. I look forward to everybody you put out there. This is hands down my favorite book I have ever read. Love it."
—Anonymous [Conscious Collective]
"I LOVED this book... I learned a lot a and my mind was opened up to many different ideas and thoughts !!! Excellent !!!"
—Sharon H. [Conscious Collective]
"I loved this book so much I read it one day! This is exactly what the world needs, a book that describes our current era with exceptional precision. The author's insights are truly remarkable and he speaks with a wisdom well beyond this generation. Thank you Joseph P. Kauffman for your work and your wonderful message, truly appreciated by many."
—Anonymous [Conscious Collective]
"I have a good amount of experience with meditation and reading books of this nature. I must say this one is a must have. It is concise, simple and easy to follow. While some may argue it is repetitive I believe this to be on purpose so the main messages may sink into our subconscious mind. I think it's better than the power of now (which is also a great book in-itself)"
—Brian [Stillness]
"Souls searching, here is your answer, I could not put this book down and it has changed my life and awakened me to a whole new reality. You will not be disappointed with this book or the others by this Author"
—Leliu [Stillness]
"This book really opened my eyes to a new way of life. I am finally at peace with who I am and there is no greater feeling that can compare to that. I recommend this book to anyone looking to find peace in their life!"
—Kamo Rie [Stillness]
"The book delivers a tremendous impact on your whole spiritual being. It's one of those books that shift your consciousness to an even higher level of paradigm since each line is so full of wisdom!"
—Henry C. [Stillness]
"Fantastic presentations with many subjects highly developed through clear exposition. I recommend it for people who want to learn more soul and thought topics and their influence on our lives. Great!!"
—Antonio M. [Oneness]
"The book covers an array of topics to help you on a personal level. It is a simple 60 page book, very easy to read, with basic vocab and easy to understand. I highly recommend this to anyone out there searching for themselves, what they believe in, and getting a better grasp of what is going on. This is on my yearly book read, and is a refresher for when you feel down, un-happy, and un -motivated. The concepts are deep, and simple to understand."
—Hailey [Oneness]
"The third book I've read from Joseph. Great writer, I would read another..." —Anonymous
[Just Be]