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Awakening with Mindfulness

A 14-Day Training for Awakening

Inner Peace, Joy & Freedom

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Awakening with Mindfulness

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A 14-Day Training for Awakening

Inner Peace, Joy & Freedom

Come Home to Yourself

Come Home

to Yourself

Mindfulness is a practice of peace and happiness. It involves training ourselves to be fully awake and aware of life in the present moment, and to experience this moment deeply. In doing so, we reconnect with the beauty and joy of being alive, and find freedom from our restless thoughts, anxieties, and fears.

Most people are seeking for happiness in external things. We rush ahead to the future, chasing after our goals and our plans, overlooking the reality of our lives in the present moment and losing ourselves in our thinking.

Mindfulness practice helps us come back to ourselves and our lives in the present moment. It allows us to experience happiness right here and now by recognizing the many conditions of happiness that are already available within us and around us.

You don't need to seek outside yourself for peace. You need to awaken peace from within.

Explore The Curriculum

Day 1: Understanding Mindfulness

  • Forgetfulness: The Dream of the Mind

  • Mindfulness: Awakening from the Dream

  • Conscious Breathing Meditation

Day 2: Taking Your Seat

  • Seated Meditation

  • How to Sit

  • Shamatha Meditation

Day 3: Looking Deeply

  • Vipassana: Looking Deeply

  • The Four Noble Truths - Part 1

  • The Four Noble Truths - Part 2

  • Watering Seeds

Day 4: The Four Foundations of Mindfulness

  • The Four Foundations of Mindfulness

  • Body Scan Meditation

Day 5: Mindful Movement

  • Moving with Awareness

  • Walking Meditation

Day 6: Mindful Eating

  • Mindful Eating

  • Mindful Eating Meditation

Day 7: Awareness of Impermanence

  • Awareness of Impermanence

  • Impermanence of the Body Meditation

Day 8: Mindfulness of Feelings

  • The River of Feelings

  • Recognizing Feelings Meditation

Day 9: Identifying Your Emotions

  • Naming Feelings

  • Naming Feelings Meditation

Day 10: Understanding Your Emotions

  • Understanding Your Emotions

  • Compassionate Acceptance Meditation

Day 11: Mindfulness of Thinking

  • The Thinking Mind

  • Observing Thoughts Meditation

Day 12: Awakening to Your True Nature

  • Discovering Your Essential Nature

  • Recognizing Awareness

  • Resting As Awareness Meditation

Day 13: Mindfulness of Phenomena

  • The Nature of Reality

  • Mindfulness in Daily Life

Day 14: Half-Day Mindfulness Retreat

  • At-Home, Half-Day Retreat

  • Pre-Recorded Lessons & Practices

  • Deepen Your Practice

Explore The Curriculum

Day 1: Understanding Mindfulness

  • Forgetfulness: The Dream of the Mind

  • Mindfulness: Awakening from the Dream

  • Conscious Breathing Meditation

Day 2: Taking Your Seat

  • Seated Meditation

  • How to Sit

  • Shamatha Meditation

Day 3: Looking Deeply

  • Vipassana: Looking Deeply

  • The Four Noble Truths - Part 1

  • The Four Noble Truths - Part 2

  • Watering Seeds

Day 4: The Four Foundations of Mindfulness

  • The Four Foundations of Mindfulness

  • Body Scan Meditation

Day 5: Mindful Movement

  • Moving with Awareness

  • Walking Meditation

Day 6: Mindful Eating

  • Mindful Eating

  • Mindful Eating Meditation

Day 7: Awareness of Impermanence

  • Awareness of Impermanence

  • Impermanence of the Body Meditation

Day 8: Mindfulness of Feelings

  • The River of Feelings

  • Recognizing Feelings Meditation

Day 9: Identifying Your Emotions

  • Naming Feelings

  • Naming Feelings Meditation

Day 10: Understanding Your Emotions

  • Understanding Your Emotions

  • Compassionate Acceptance Meditation

Day 11: Mindfulness of Thinking

  • The Thinking Mind

  • Observing Thoughts Meditation

Day 12: Awakening to Your True Nature

  • Discovering Your Essential Nature

  • Recognizing Awareness

  • Resting As Awareness Meditation

Day 13: Mindfulness of Phenomena

  • The Nature of Reality

  • Mindfulness in Daily Life

Day 14: Half-Day Mindfulness Retreat

  • At-Home, Half-Day Retreat

  • Pre-Recorded Lessons & Practices

  • Deepen Your Practice

The Awakening with Mindfulness training carefully guides you on an inner journey to awaken your consciousness and experience true inner peace in freedom.

Each day you will learn new insights and practices for establishing yourself in mindfulness, with instructional video lessons and guided meditations on essential mindfulness teachings.

The Awakening with Mindfulness training carefully guides you on an inner journey to awaken your consciousness and experience true inner peace in freedom. Each day you will learn new insights and practices for establishing yourself in mindfulness, with instructional video lessons and guided meditations on essential mindfulness teachings.

Join Today and Get Instant Access to:

  • 14 Days of Mindfulness Training

  • 24 Video Lessons

  • In-Depth Articles & Mindfulness Teachings

  • 12 Guided Meditations

  • 12+ Hours of Expert Instruction

  • At-Home Guided Mindfulness Retreat

  • Direct Teacher Support

  • Lifetime Access to the Course

Awaken Your

Full Potential

Join Today and Get Access to:

  • 14 Days of Mindfulness Training

  • 24 Video Lessons

  • In-Depth Articles & Mindfulness Teachings

  • 12 Guided Meditations

  • 12+ Hours of Expert Instruction

  • At-Home Guided Mindfulness Retreat

  • Direct Teacher Support

  • Lifetime Access to the Course

  • Access to All Courses

  • Early Access to All Future Courses

  • 100+ Hours of Expert Content

  • Private Online Community

  • Weekly Live Zoom Calls

  • Member-Only Direct Message Access

  • Yoga Class Library

  • Guided Meditation Library

  • Guided Fitness & Exercise Classes

  • Downloadable Books & Guides

  • Direct Teacher Support

  • Connection With A Global Conscious Community

  • Tools to Consciously Empower Your Journey of Awakening And Healing


"Joseph is an excellent guide. I feel very grateful to him. I would recommend anyone who has the intention to grow to experiment with this because it is the experience itself that can help us transform."

~Nicolas, Argentina

"This brought me deeper into myself than I have ever been before. I felt lighter, present in my body, and more open and aware than ever! I am so happy to have connected with Joseph. Much love and many thanks!"

~Virginia, Boston

"Learning meditation with Joseph has helped transform my life. He's a great teacher. I have incorporated his teachings into my everyday routine, and I carry that inner peace I have always craved and bring a new level of focus to each day."

~Adam, West Virginia

"The Academy for Awakening is worth every penny. I'm honestly impressed with every course! I've gained a lot more than I expected from this and I am so grateful that it found me."

~Daniela, Netherlands


Join Today to Unlock Access to These Transformational Courses:

Awakening with Mindfulness

How to Meditate

Waking Up to Who You Are

The Science of Breath

The 5 Elements of Health

The Science of Samadhi

The Kybalion

The 7 Chakras

Nutrition 101

Intro to Pilates

Home Workout

Strength Foundations

Guided Meditation Library

Yoga Class Library

Kundalini Yoga

Overcoming Anxiety


Join the

14-Day Training

For Only $197

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Join the 14-Day Training

For Only $197



per month

(Only .77 cents a day)

What's Included.

Resources to Empower Your Journey


Log into our online training portal where we have a range of curriculums for you to watch at your convenience. Learn different systems & practices to help you on your journey of awakening and cultivating optimal health and wellness.


Becoming a part of a conscious community can inspire, motivate, and support you in your inner journey. In this private group, you'll have access to a safe and supportive online community, a wealth of shared resources, and new opportunities for personal growth.


Each week we have a live community call where you can talk, express, hang out, and share about different aspects of the inner journey, receiving community support and offering your presence to support others on their journeys.

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